"There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the Light gets in." – Leonard Cohen

Tag: religious beliefs

Breaking the Hypnosis of Belief Systems: A Call to Awaken

Belief systems hold humanity in a trance. How can we break free and awaken to new possibilities?

The Comfort of Belief Systems

Belief systems are intricate constructs, carefully designed to offer the illusion of comfort and stability. They provide humanity with a way to resist change and hold tight to the status quo. The so-called universal truths they establish create a sense of certainty. But this certainty often comes at a cost: complacency and an unwillingness to evolve.

The Atrophy of Truth

When humans cling to a specific truth, it begins to atrophy. For eons, grand institutions have been built to protect and preserve these beliefs. Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and other religions have all set their foundations on specific truths, turning them into immutable laws. Yet, this preservation has often led to conflict, with people dying or even killing in the name of their God—whether that be God, Allah, or Yahweh.

The Influence of Religious Overlays

Over time, belief systems have become the bedrock of societies. They inform not only spiritual practices but also governance, education, and cultural norms. Western cultures are primarily influenced by Christianity, while Middle Eastern societies are shaped by the overlays of Islam and Judaism. Eastern cultures, meanwhile, carry the influence of Hinduism, Buddhism, and even newer ideologies like Communism in places like China and Vietnam.

The Hypnotic Effect of Belief Systems

These religious and philosophical overlays create a sense of cultural superiority, often leading to division and conflict. Mass consciousness is deeply influenced by these beliefs, with modern media acting as both a tool for enlightenment and an instrument of continued hypnosis.

No Judgment, Only Awareness

Our intent is not to judge or instill fear. Humanity already faces enough fear, and our goal is not to add to that burden. Instead, we aim to raise awareness and encourage reflection. How do these entrenched beliefs impact our journey as a species? Are they holding us back from evolving into something greater?

Humanity’s State of Deep Hypnosis

The believers in these systems are not deficient in intelligence or insight. They are simply in a state of deep hypnosis, cultivated over centuries. This state of being is not irreversible. There is hope, and there is a way out.

The Possibility of Awakening

Emerging from this hypnotic state is possible. It starts with awareness—recognizing the systems that hold us and understanding their impact. Questioning these belief systems does not mean abandoning faith; it means being open to new perspectives that inspire growth rather than limit it.

A Choice to Awaken

The choice to awaken lies within each of us. It’s about breaking free from the hypnosis of past beliefs and stepping into the realization of our true potential. Humanity’s evolution depends on our willingness to question, to grow, and to be conscious creators of a new reality.

Message from the Council of Light: Embracing Your Divine Nature

Greeting, dear ones. We are the Council of Light, here to assist humanity in moving forward into the fullness of their true Divine Nature.

A Choice Only You Can Make

It is not our place to do this for you. Each of you must make this decision for yourselves. Ask yourself: Do you truly wish to follow Divine Will? Do you really understand what that means? Are you ready to explore the depths of your soul’s longing?

We are here to offer information and sometimes guidance. Yet, ultimately, the decision rests with you. There is no judgment attached to your choices. We love and support you unconditionally, regardless of what you decide. Our role is simply to support your creations and offer new perspectives. You are the ones shaping the world. We are merely here to serve and uplift you.

The Power of Your Creations

We do not know or see the future. We observe trends and potentials, but you are the creators of your outcomes. We understand this may not be easy to hear. For eons, humanity has looked to God as a paternal overseer, believing that divine intervention would direct their lives and answer their prayers.

But consider this: Have you longed for more direct communication with God? Have you felt unworthy of such a sacred connection? Many of you believe only the prophets of ancient times had this privilege.

Your Direct Connection with Divinity

We tell you now: You have a direct, two-way connection with God and with celestial beings who have always been waiting for you to awaken. Your long-held beliefs in limitation and spiritual weakness are what prevent you from stepping into your Divine Will. God has never imposed limitations on humanity; humans have created these limits themselves.

Breaking Free from Limitation

Through your own life plan and design, you have arrived at this moment in history. The world you see today is a result of your collective creation. And remember, you hold the power to create new worlds and realities if you so choose.

Dear ones, you are the creators. You have lived in darkness about your true nature for far too long. We are here to help you awaken and embrace your Divinity.

Honoring Your Sacred Journey

It is our sacred agreement to serve and support you in your awakening. We are not superior to you, nor are you superior to us. However, the path you have chosen is one of great courage, and we honor you deeply for that choice. We are grateful to be of service.

The Infinite Love Surrounding You

Oh, dear ones, if only you knew the depth of the love that surrounds you. We know that soon, if you choose, you will come to feel this love.

We are the Council of Light, and we love you dearly.

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