"There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the Light gets in." – Leonard Cohen

Tag: Council of Light

The Unprecedented Time of Human Growth and Spiritual Evolution

In the area of human growth, there has never been a time or opportunity quite like now on this planet. While there have been many advanced civilizations on Earth, such as Atlantis and Lemuria, humanity today has surpassed even those in spiritual evolution. Although these societies developed amazing technologies, they never reached the spiritual heights that modern humans are now achieving.

Never before has there been such an opportunity to expand consciousness throughout the universe. In fact, there were many who doubted this effort would succeed. The Earth Experiment had almost been dismissed as a failure. Yet, you humans changed everything when you chose to move beyond war and destruction. Enough of you stopped believing in the old ways that were not working. You recognized that methods tried for centuries had lost their validity. You began to ask, “What has changed?”

Life After Death – A Different Perspective

Let’s talk about something that often stirs up a lot of questions: what we call “the afterlife.” Now, this is a topic I find fascinating because we humans carry so many beliefs about what happens after we leave our physical bodies. But here’s the thing: there really isn’t an “afterlife.” There’s only life. What we refer to as “death” is simply a transition, a change in form. Life itself is eternal.

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the idea that life is divided into before and after death, but the truth is, life never stops. There’s no beginning and no end—just an ongoing flow of experiences. So, while we experience what we call physical death, it’s more like a shift, a change of scenery if you will, rather than an ending. This shift is part of a much bigger picture of who we are as eternal beings.

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