"There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the Light gets in." – Leonard Cohen

Tag: consciousness

A Message from Yeshua

Beloved Ones, it is I, Yeshua, speaking to you today in this time of profound Awakening.

The Light seeds that we planted over two thousand years ago have begun to sprout, taking root in the fertile soil of your expanding consciousness. The Great One, Gabriel, has sounded the clarion call to awaken, and so many of you have heard it. For centuries, you have carried the flame of hope, even when the darkness of forgetfulness seemed overwhelming. You knew, deep within, that this time would come.

Even during your deepest sleep, when you seemed most disconnected from the Divine, we walked beside you. Within your very DNA, we planted a trigger—what you now recognize as the Christ Seed. This seed was not to be awakened by any external force, but by your own breath, your own choice to remember who you truly are. And now, as the world is shifting, you are awakening into your Divine nature, your True Self.

Christ Consciousness: Embracing Our Divine Essence

Have you ever felt a deep longing to remember who you truly are? A whisper from within, reminding you that there is more to your existence than the daily human experience? This nudge, this quiet yet persistent call, is an invitation to awaken to Christ Consciousness—an awareness of your Divine Essence.

The Example of Yeshua

Yeshua ben Joseph, known to many as Jesus Christ, embodied Christ Consciousness. He walked the Earth not to separate himself as the only divine being but to serve as an example of what’s possible for every human. He lived as a human infused with the awareness of his divine nature, demonstrating that our physical selves are the sacred homes of our Souls.

When he said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” he wasn’t suggesting that he alone held the key to divinity. Instead, he showed us a path of remembrance—that we, too, are divine beings having a physical experience. Yeshua’s message was one of awakening, a call to recognize and embody our inherent divinity.

The Misinterpretation of Divine Teachings

Over centuries, this pure and liberating message became overshadowed by layers of doctrine and dogma. Belief systems emerged around themes of salvation and redemption, positioning humanity as inherently sinful and in desperate need of external rescue. These teachings have often led to a sense of separation, guilt, and unworthiness—a spiritual prison from which many feel there is no escape.

But Yeshua’s true message was never about our unworthiness. Instead, he sought to reveal that we are eternally connected to the Divine. Our Souls are perfect expressions of the All That Is, deserving of unconditional love and compassion. The belief in separation from our divine essence is a myth—one that has held humanity captive for far too long.

The Myth of Separation

Consider the story of the “fall from grace,” deeply embedded in Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions. This narrative perpetuates the idea that we are broken, sinful, and unworthy of divine love. It has served as a tool for control, benefiting organizations and leaders who thrive on humanity’s spiritual ignorance. But what if this story of separation is one of the greatest misrepresentations in human history?

Yeshua came to show us that we were never separate from God, that our divinity has always been within us. The awareness of Christ Consciousness is simply the realization that we are already whole, already divine. It’s the belief in separation, not the reality of it, that causes our suffering.

The Rise of Spiritual Awakening

We are witnessing a profound shift. The decline in traditional church membership and attendance signifies more than a cultural change; it reflects a spiritual awakening. Many are beginning to feel a restlessness within, a yearning for deeper truth. They hear the metaphorical trumpet of Gabriel, signaling it’s time to awaken to who they truly are.

This restlessness isn’t a call to join another religion or find another external savior. It’s a call to look within, to reconnect with the divinity that’s always been there. It’s a journey of remembering that we are spiritual beings having a human experience—divine expressions of the All That Is.

What is Anti-Christ Consciousness?

Much has been written about the Antichrist, often depicted as a malevolent figure opposed to the teachings of Christ. But what if the Antichrist isn’t a person at all? What if Anti-Christ Consciousness is any belief system, organization, or teaching that denies our divine nature?

When someone tells you that you are unworthy, sinful, or separate from God, they perpetuate Anti-Christ Consciousness. When doctrines insist that it’s impossible to be both human and divine, they teach a falsehood. Yeshua never intended for his example to be unattainable. He lived as a divine human to show us that we, too, can embody our Soul Selves.

Embracing Your Divine Nature

Remember, dear one: You are a divine expression of the Creator. Your Soul longs for you to acknowledge its presence, to feel its unconditional love and compassion. The experience of Christ Consciousness isn’t reserved for an elite few. It’s available to each of us, as close as our breath, waiting for our willingness to receive.

So, in this moment, take a deep, conscious breath. Feel the love and light of your Soul. Know that you are whole, worthy, and eternally connected to the Divine. The journey to remembering your divinity isn’t one of striving but of allowing—allowing the truth of All That You Are to rise from within.

Discovering the Power of Awareness and Sovereignty

As we deepen our awareness, we begin to notice the dance of energies around us—how they move, interact, and impact our sense of self. This is what Tobias refers to as the “sexual energy dynamics,” a profound teaching about energetic boundaries and sovereignty. And while it’s not about physical sexuality, it’s all about the exchange of energy: how we give it away, how we take it in, and how we can become more sovereign.

One of the most eye-opening realizations on this journey is recognizing when and how we’ve been giving our energy away. It often happens subtly and when we least expect it, leaving us feeling drained or disoriented. But this isn’t about blame or victimhood. In fact, the concept of victimhood is one we release as we become more aware.

You see, in our old, unconscious state, we’re easily swayed by every wind of doctrine, as if we’re at the mercy of forces beyond our control. Yet in this new consciousness, we understand there are no victims. We see clearly how old energies operate, and in this clarity, we step into our true power.

A DreamWalk with My Dad

I was privileged to DreamWalk my Dad this week. He transitioned Monday morning, May 14th, exactly seven days past his 90th birthday. (For more information about DreamWalking, visit the Crimson Circle’s DreamWalker website.)

I was concerned that perhaps it was not possible to offer this service to him since I had not talked with him about it while he was still able to communicate on the human level. But I had several “conversations” with him energetically.

About two weeks before his crossing, he became rather alert and clear and asked for the family to gather around. He sang some of his favorite hymns, quoted some favorite scriptures, and was more present than he had been for some time.

I didn’t make it to the hospital in time to actually witness all this, but I did talk to him energetically in the car on my way there.

After that day, I didn’t feel his presence so much with me; however, I continued to prepare myself just in case he wanted a DreamWalk. I did have some doubts and second-guessing about my ability. This was the first DreamWalk I had done on my own since taking the DreamWalker Death Transition™ School a couple of years ago.

After consulting several physicians and a lot of soul-searching, the family decided it was time that we let Dad go. We reluctantly placed him in hospice care and finally on May 14th I received an early morning phone call from one of my brothers telling me Dad was deteriorating quickly. Soon after the phone call, I began the two-hour road-trip to southeastern Ohio. Sometime between 8:15 and 8:45 am, I began to sense Dad’s energy. We began to talk and I explained to him that a white light that he might see was the disconnection of the cord linking him to the physical world. I told him that was OK to do that and the white light was just the beginning. I reminded him that I would be available to accompany him on the path to the “Bridge of Flowers” if he wanted me to.

I arrived at the nursing home where he was being cared for. My nephew met me at the door, hugged me, and whispered in my ear, “Grandpa passed on about 8:30.” Truthfully, I was not surprised and a bit relieved because I knew he had endured so much in the past few years. At this point, I still wasn’t sure if he wanted a DreamWalk. I spent the afternoon and evening with my mom and the rest of the family.

The next morning, Tuesday, on my way home to Dayton, Ohio, I began to feel Dad’s energy once again. Suddenly, I knew where he was. I sensed him at the Bridge of Flowers. He had been a minister and favored dark suits and black ties. There he was, looking nearly fifty years younger in his suit and black tie, grinning that contagious grin that I’ll always remember, and waving good-bye. But I felt he wasn’t quite ready to take that final step into the arms of the angelic beings whom I could sense were already celebrating his return. Instead, I sensed that he was waiting to see that everything was OK here. Tears of joy flowing down my face, I stopped at a convenient rest area along the highway, and just sat on a park bench and allowed the celebration to take place in my heart.

On Wednesday the day of the visitation, I awakened early and sat in my office to practice deep breathing while listening to one of my favorite CDs, “The Silent Path,” by Robert Coxon. Once again, I began to feel the presence of my dad. I felt him on the Bridge. I saw that grin. He waved one more time, and then, still grinning, he reached out his hand to the Grand Beings who were there to welcome him home. He was gone.

I turned away from that beautiful bridge and breathed my energy fully back to this side.

I am touched and honored beyond words that he chose to gift me with this experience.

I’m grinning, too.

Breaking the Belief Systems: A Pathway to Real Change

Feel the Stress, But Know It Isn’t Yours
You may be feeling the stress of these times, the tension and turmoil surrounding our world. But remember, dear ones, this stress isn’t entirely yours—much of it belongs to others. The upheaval that you feel is a result of energies swirling around the planet. These powerful cosmic energies are supporting an immense shift: the ascension process for all beings, organic and inorganic. The tension you feel is the push and pull between old and new energies.

The Struggle of the Old vs. the New
As the Earth continues its journey forward, there are those who wish to remain locked in the past, refusing to adapt. These humans are descending deeper into fear—fear of the future and the loss of the beliefs they have clung to for so long. You can hear it in the media, where everyone says, “I firmly believe…” instead of “I know.” This shift marks the crumbling of belief systems, and the harder people hold on, the more they realize that illusions cannot be held, and lies cannot be kept. As Tobias said, “All energy seeks resolution.”

The Crumbling of Belief Systems
The lies that once formed the bedrock of these belief systems are breaking down. Through religious and philosophical beliefs, many have bound themselves to the past—they use these systems to justify lives filled with grasping and taking without awareness of the consequences. The same struggles exist everywhere, even within spiritually aware communities like the Crimson Circle, even Shaumbra.

Belief systems shape the framework of human culture, society, and institutions. If you wish to change the world, start by changing your beliefs. Be willing to look deeply at your belief systems, no matter where that examination takes you.

Changing Yourself Changes the World
True change starts with the self. You cannot change others, and you have neither the right nor the authority to try. It is your responsibility to transform your own beliefs and perspective, and in doing so, you contribute to changing the collective. If millions of people examined and shifted their belief systems, the world itself would change.

Begin by questioning your beliefs. Profound personal transformation begins when you allow yourself to question what you’ve always held as true. When you release the beliefs that no longer serve you, you make room for what you know deep within.

Knowing Beyond Belief
It is not enough to believe you are a divine human, or to believe that you are God also. Can you feel it? Can you know it with every fiber of your being? It is not enough to believe that all of this is an illusion—you must feel it, sense it, and see the illusions you have created. Can it be that you have the power to change? Of course, you can.

A Call to Release and Transform
It all begins with willingness: a willingness to question, a willingness to release, and a willingness to know. Let this journey be yours—a journey not of clinging to the past but of stepping boldly into the truth of who you are.

Message from the Council of Light: Embracing Your Divine Nature

Greeting, dear ones. We are the Council of Light, here to assist humanity in moving forward into the fullness of their true Divine Nature.

A Choice Only You Can Make

It is not our place to do this for you. Each of you must make this decision for yourselves. Ask yourself: Do you truly wish to follow Divine Will? Do you really understand what that means? Are you ready to explore the depths of your soul’s longing?

We are here to offer information and sometimes guidance. Yet, ultimately, the decision rests with you. There is no judgment attached to your choices. We love and support you unconditionally, regardless of what you decide. Our role is simply to support your creations and offer new perspectives. You are the ones shaping the world. We are merely here to serve and uplift you.

The Power of Your Creations

We do not know or see the future. We observe trends and potentials, but you are the creators of your outcomes. We understand this may not be easy to hear. For eons, humanity has looked to God as a paternal overseer, believing that divine intervention would direct their lives and answer their prayers.

But consider this: Have you longed for more direct communication with God? Have you felt unworthy of such a sacred connection? Many of you believe only the prophets of ancient times had this privilege.

Your Direct Connection with Divinity

We tell you now: You have a direct, two-way connection with God and with celestial beings who have always been waiting for you to awaken. Your long-held beliefs in limitation and spiritual weakness are what prevent you from stepping into your Divine Will. God has never imposed limitations on humanity; humans have created these limits themselves.

Breaking Free from Limitation

Through your own life plan and design, you have arrived at this moment in history. The world you see today is a result of your collective creation. And remember, you hold the power to create new worlds and realities if you so choose.

Dear ones, you are the creators. You have lived in darkness about your true nature for far too long. We are here to help you awaken and embrace your Divinity.

Honoring Your Sacred Journey

It is our sacred agreement to serve and support you in your awakening. We are not superior to you, nor are you superior to us. However, the path you have chosen is one of great courage, and we honor you deeply for that choice. We are grateful to be of service.

The Infinite Love Surrounding You

Oh, dear ones, if only you knew the depth of the love that surrounds you. We know that soon, if you choose, you will come to feel this love.

We are the Council of Light, and we love you dearly.

You Changed Everything: A Message from the Council of Light

Greetings, dear ones. We are the Council of Light, and we come with great love and reverence for each of you. Today, we invite you to remember the truth of who you really are. For too long, many of you have forgotten, and yet, even in the forgetting, you have never truly lost your way.

You are deeply loved and honored for what you have accomplished. Across the vastness of this universe, beings have gathered to bear witness to your journey. Some have come to pay their respects, while others are here out of curiosity, for the word has spread: this time, the Great Experiment did not fail. You changed everything. The final attempt, after so many cycles, was a success—and it was because of you.

We wish to speak of a story today, one rarely discussed, but one we feel you are ready to hear.

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