"There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the Light gets in." – Leonard Cohen

Tag: consciousness shift

The Unfolding of Reality: How Consciousness Chooses Its Path

A Gradual, Sovereign Shift

The world is changing, but not in the way that many have expected. This shift is not a singular event, a sudden rapture, or an external intervention. It is a gradual unfolding—an evolution of consciousness that is allowing each being to move into the reality that matches their own vibration. Some are stepping into sovereignty, ease, and self-realization, while others remain entangled in the structures of mass consciousness—the collective thoughts, beliefs, and emotional patterns that have shaped human experience for centuries. Each choice is honored, unfolding naturally without interference, as each being moves at their own pace and in alignment with their personal evolution.

Embracing Your Darkness as the Path to Realization

We’re often taught to pursue the light in life—to focus on joy, positivity, and enlightenment. But what if the very darkness we try to avoid holds the key to our deepest wisdom and spiritual growth? What if our struggles, doubts, and fears are not obstacles, but gateways to realizing our divinity?

In today’s post, we’ll explore this concept of embracing darkness, drawing insights from the teachings of Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Alan Watts, Helena Blavatsky, and the story of The Fallen Angel. Together, these perspectives help us see that both light and dark are essential for true spiritual evolution. So, let’s dive in.

The Rising Call for Balance: Masculine and Feminine Energies in a Time of Change

The Archetypal Struggle: Mary Magdalene and Peter

Our world has always been shaped by the dynamic interplay between masculine and feminine energies. These aren’t just gendered ideas—they’re powerful forces that shape how we express, lead, nurture, and create. This tension has been playing out for centuries, and now, in the aftermath of the 2024 U.S. presidential election, it feels more relevant than ever.

The Role of Conscious Breath in Your Journey to Realization

Welcome back! I’m thrilled you’re here as we continue our journey into the embodied Realization. Today’s topic is one of the most powerful tools for peace and expansion of your Consciousness: conscious breath. This simple yet transformative practice connects us to our inner wisdom, gently guiding us along the path of awakening.

In this post, we’ll explore how conscious breath can play an essential role in your journey of awakening and self-realization.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull: Soaring Beyond Limits and Waking Up to Who We Truly Are

On the surface, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach seems like a simple tale about a bird learning to fly. But when you look deeper, it’s so much more than that. Jonathan’s journey is really about the human experience of waking up—of realizing that we’re capable of so much more than we’ve ever imagined. It’s about discovering our own sovereignty, breaking free from limits, and stepping into our true nature.

Here at The New Gnostic, that’s exactly what we explore: the human journey of awakening to realization. It’s not the Soul that’s waking up. The Soul already knows itself. It’s us, the human, who is discovering what it means to awaken into realization. Let’s dive into the key themes of this novella and see how they might reflect your own journey.

2013. The Beginning.

The End of an Era: Humanity’s Shift from Fear to Consciousness

Much has been said about the “end of the world,” but what if we saw it instead as the End of an Era? This idea, shared by Aandrah in her teachings, offers a perspective that the changes we’re experiencing are not about the destruction of humanity but the birth of a new way of being. We are witnessing the death of the old—the end of fear, control, and suffering—and the dawn of something new and far more aligned with who we truly are.

There is a return happening right now, even as you read this. Not a return of gods or saviors, but the return of you—the return of the consciousness that has always been within, ready to reawaken. The entities humanity once called “gods” are now returning, not as our saviors, but as observers, participants, and aspects of our own expanded consciousness. They are here to integrate with those who are ready to embrace this new era. This is a time of profound choice.

Message from the Council of Light: Embracing Your Divine Nature

Greeting, dear ones. We are the Council of Light, here to assist humanity in moving forward into the fullness of their true Divine Nature.

A Choice Only You Can Make

It is not our place to do this for you. Each of you must make this decision for yourselves. Ask yourself: Do you truly wish to follow Divine Will? Do you really understand what that means? Are you ready to explore the depths of your soul’s longing?

We are here to offer information and sometimes guidance. Yet, ultimately, the decision rests with you. There is no judgment attached to your choices. We love and support you unconditionally, regardless of what you decide. Our role is simply to support your creations and offer new perspectives. You are the ones shaping the world. We are merely here to serve and uplift you.

The Power of Your Creations

We do not know or see the future. We observe trends and potentials, but you are the creators of your outcomes. We understand this may not be easy to hear. For eons, humanity has looked to God as a paternal overseer, believing that divine intervention would direct their lives and answer their prayers.

But consider this: Have you longed for more direct communication with God? Have you felt unworthy of such a sacred connection? Many of you believe only the prophets of ancient times had this privilege.

Your Direct Connection with Divinity

We tell you now: You have a direct, two-way connection with God and with celestial beings who have always been waiting for you to awaken. Your long-held beliefs in limitation and spiritual weakness are what prevent you from stepping into your Divine Will. God has never imposed limitations on humanity; humans have created these limits themselves.

Breaking Free from Limitation

Through your own life plan and design, you have arrived at this moment in history. The world you see today is a result of your collective creation. And remember, you hold the power to create new worlds and realities if you so choose.

Dear ones, you are the creators. You have lived in darkness about your true nature for far too long. We are here to help you awaken and embrace your Divinity.

Honoring Your Sacred Journey

It is our sacred agreement to serve and support you in your awakening. We are not superior to you, nor are you superior to us. However, the path you have chosen is one of great courage, and we honor you deeply for that choice. We are grateful to be of service.

The Infinite Love Surrounding You

Oh, dear ones, if only you knew the depth of the love that surrounds you. We know that soon, if you choose, you will come to feel this love.

We are the Council of Light, and we love you dearly.

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