"There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the Light gets in." – Leonard Cohen

Category: Council of Light

Message from the Council of Light: Embracing Your Divine Nature

Greeting, dear ones. We are the Council of Light, here to assist humanity in moving forward into the fullness of their true Divine Nature.

A Choice Only You Can Make

It is not our place to do this for you. Each of you must make this decision for yourselves. Ask yourself: Do you truly wish to follow Divine Will? Do you really understand what that means? Are you ready to explore the depths of your soul’s longing?

We are here to offer information and sometimes guidance. Yet, ultimately, the decision rests with you. There is no judgment attached to your choices. We love and support you unconditionally, regardless of what you decide. Our role is simply to support your creations and offer new perspectives. You are the ones shaping the world. We are merely here to serve and uplift you.

The Power of Your Creations

We do not know or see the future. We observe trends and potentials, but you are the creators of your outcomes. We understand this may not be easy to hear. For eons, humanity has looked to God as a paternal overseer, believing that divine intervention would direct their lives and answer their prayers.

But consider this: Have you longed for more direct communication with God? Have you felt unworthy of such a sacred connection? Many of you believe only the prophets of ancient times had this privilege.

Your Direct Connection with Divinity

We tell you now: You have a direct, two-way connection with God and with celestial beings who have always been waiting for you to awaken. Your long-held beliefs in limitation and spiritual weakness are what prevent you from stepping into your Divine Will. God has never imposed limitations on humanity; humans have created these limits themselves.

Breaking Free from Limitation

Through your own life plan and design, you have arrived at this moment in history. The world you see today is a result of your collective creation. And remember, you hold the power to create new worlds and realities if you so choose.

Dear ones, you are the creators. You have lived in darkness about your true nature for far too long. We are here to help you awaken and embrace your Divinity.

Honoring Your Sacred Journey

It is our sacred agreement to serve and support you in your awakening. We are not superior to you, nor are you superior to us. However, the path you have chosen is one of great courage, and we honor you deeply for that choice. We are grateful to be of service.

The Infinite Love Surrounding You

Oh, dear ones, if only you knew the depth of the love that surrounds you. We know that soon, if you choose, you will come to feel this love.

We are the Council of Light, and we love you dearly.

You Changed Everything: A Message from the Council of Light

Greetings, dear ones. We are the Council of Light, and we come with great love and reverence for each of you. Today, we invite you to remember the truth of who you really are. For too long, many of you have forgotten, and yet, even in the forgetting, you have never truly lost your way.

You are deeply loved and honored for what you have accomplished. Across the vastness of this universe, beings have gathered to bear witness to your journey. Some have come to pay their respects, while others are here out of curiosity, for the word has spread: this time, the Great Experiment did not fail. You changed everything. The final attempt, after so many cycles, was a success—and it was because of you.

We wish to speak of a story today, one rarely discussed, but one we feel you are ready to hear.

The Unprecedented Time of Human Growth and Spiritual Evolution

In the area of human growth, there has never been a time or opportunity quite like now on this planet. While there have been many advanced civilizations on Earth, such as Atlantis and Lemuria, humanity today has surpassed even those in spiritual evolution. Although these societies developed amazing technologies, they never reached the spiritual heights that modern humans are now achieving.

Never before has there been such an opportunity to expand consciousness throughout the universe. In fact, there were many who doubted this effort would succeed. The Earth Experiment had almost been dismissed as a failure. Yet, you humans changed everything when you chose to move beyond war and destruction. Enough of you stopped believing in the old ways that were not working. You recognized that methods tried for centuries had lost their validity. You began to ask, “What has changed?”

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