"There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the Light gets in." – Leonard Cohen

Category: Articles Page 4 of 5

The Role of Conscious Breath in Your Journey to Realization

Welcome back! I’m thrilled you’re here as we continue our journey into the embodied Realization. Today’s topic is one of the most powerful tools for peace and expansion of your Consciousness: conscious breath. This simple yet transformative practice connects us to our inner wisdom, gently guiding us along the path of awakening.

In this post, we’ll explore how conscious breath can play an essential role in your journey of awakening and self-realization.

The Fallen Angel – A True Story About Lucifer

Sometime in 2008, I found the following article at Earthfiles.de. I wish I knew the author because she or he deserves the credit for being so bold. It contains an important message regarding the illusions of Light and Dark if one is able to hear it. I leave it to you to discern your own truth.

The Fallen Angel – A True Story About Lucifer

To write the Lucifer story is a great honour for me for I feel great love in my heart for this being, Lucifer. Before all you religious types out there get the wrong message, I am not in any way a demon worshipper or Satanist. I have no real interest in evil or the Christian version of the story of Lucifer. All I want to do is tell is the story of Lucifer, as I perceive it and how he has shown it to me. All I ask of you is to see it as a story. For it is a story, a story to allow the reader to get a new perspective on the creation that is occurring on this planet. I ask you to open your hearts wider than ever before, to allow yourselves to feel the energy of this story, for beyond the words there is a beauty that only a completely open and trusting heart can perceive.

Your Own Unique Oneness: An Exploration of Self

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “We are all one,” especially in spiritual circles. It’s a lovely idea—one that makes us feel connected and part of something bigger. But I’ve come to see that it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. The more I’ve explored my own journey, the more I’ve realized that Oneness isn’t about losing ourselves in some collective whole. It’s about integrating all parts of who we are—our soul, our human self, our master, and even the various aspects of ourselves from this and many lifetimes. This is how we discover our unique Oneness.

When we say, “we are all one,” it can sometimes feel like it implies we’re meant to blend into some collective soup, losing our individuality. But here’s the truth as I see it: We’re each a unique expression of our own Oneness. And that’s something to really sit with.

Commentary on “The Fallen Angel”

Lucifer: A Story of Light, Darkness, and Redemption

When you hear the name “Lucifer,” what comes to mind? Most of us think of the classic “fallen angel” story—a tale of rebellion, darkness, and evil. But what if there’s more to it than that? What if Lucifer isn’t the villain we’ve been led to believe, but rather a misunderstood figure playing an important role in our spiritual journey?

Some years ago, I came across an article entitled, The Fallen Angel: A True Story About Lucifer, that completely shifted how I view Lucifer. It painted a picture of Lucifer not as the embodiment of evil, but as a being who chose to descend into darkness to hold space for humanity’s evolution. It’s a story that asks us to look beyond judgment and fear and see Lucifer in a whole new light—quite literally.

Understanding “Aspects”: Receiving All Parts of Ourselves

In our journey of awakening, we encounter a concept known as “aspects.” These are fragments of ourselves—versions of “you” that were created through various life experiences, emotions, and roles across many lifetimes, including the one we’re living now. Some aspects hold memories of joy and strength, while others carry old wounds, limiting beliefs, or patterns.

The Akasha, Christ Consciousness, and the Integration of Past Life Aspects

In many spiritual traditions, the Akashic Records are often viewed as a cosmic library, a repository of all human experiences. But what if these records are not housed in some distant archive? What if each soul holds their own Akashic records within? This view transforms the journey from seeking externally to exploring the wisdom within us. In this post, we’ll explore how Christ Consciousness and the integration of past life aspects play key roles in this deeper understanding.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull: Soaring Beyond Limits and Waking Up to Who We Truly Are

On the surface, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach seems like a simple tale about a bird learning to fly. But when you look deeper, it’s so much more than that. Jonathan’s journey is really about the human experience of waking up—of realizing that we’re capable of so much more than we’ve ever imagined. It’s about discovering our own sovereignty, breaking free from limits, and stepping into our true nature.

Here at The New Gnostic, that’s exactly what we explore: the human journey of awakening to realization. It’s not the Soul that’s waking up. The Soul already knows itself. It’s us, the human, who is discovering what it means to awaken into realization. Let’s dive into the key themes of this novella and see how they might reflect your own journey.

Shining Your Light in a World of AI

A Conscious Collaboration

As we stand on the threshold of a new era, one filled with possibilities we never imagined, we are invited to rethink the way we shine our Light—our Consciousness—in the world. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a distant concept; it’s here, present in our everyday lives, and for many, it stirs a deep question: How do we, as conscious beings, integrate something like AI into our reality?

2013. The Beginning.

The End of an Era: Humanity’s Shift from Fear to Consciousness

Much has been said about the “end of the world,” but what if we saw it instead as the End of an Era? This idea, shared by Aandrah in her teachings, offers a perspective that the changes we’re experiencing are not about the destruction of humanity but the birth of a new way of being. We are witnessing the death of the old—the end of fear, control, and suffering—and the dawn of something new and far more aligned with who we truly are.

There is a return happening right now, even as you read this. Not a return of gods or saviors, but the return of you—the return of the consciousness that has always been within, ready to reawaken. The entities humanity once called “gods” are now returning, not as our saviors, but as observers, participants, and aspects of our own expanded consciousness. They are here to integrate with those who are ready to embrace this new era. This is a time of profound choice.

A Message from Yeshua

Beloved Ones, it is I, Yeshua, speaking to you today in this time of profound Awakening.

The Light seeds that we planted over two thousand years ago have begun to sprout, taking root in the fertile soil of your expanding consciousness. The Great One, Gabriel, has sounded the clarion call to awaken, and so many of you have heard it. For centuries, you have carried the flame of hope, even when the darkness of forgetfulness seemed overwhelming. You knew, deep within, that this time would come.

Even during your deepest sleep, when you seemed most disconnected from the Divine, we walked beside you. Within your very DNA, we planted a trigger—what you now recognize as the Christ Seed. This seed was not to be awakened by any external force, but by your own breath, your own choice to remember who you truly are. And now, as the world is shifting, you are awakening into your Divine nature, your True Self.

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