"There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the Light gets in." – Leonard Cohen

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Your Own Unique Oneness: An Exploration of Self

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “We are all one,” especially in spiritual circles. It’s a lovely idea—one that makes us feel connected and part of something bigger. But I’ve come to see that it’s not quite as simple as it sounds. The more I’ve explored my own journey, the more I’ve realized that Oneness isn’t about losing ourselves in some collective whole. It’s about integrating all parts of who we are—our soul, our human self, our master, and even the various aspects of ourselves from this and many lifetimes. This is how we discover our unique Oneness.

When we say, “we are all one,” it can sometimes feel like it implies we’re meant to blend into some collective soup, losing our individuality. But here’s the truth as I see it: We’re each a unique expression of our own Oneness. And that’s something to really sit with.

Commentary on “The Fallen Angel”

Lucifer: A Story of Light, Darkness, and Redemption

When you hear the name “Lucifer,” what comes to mind? Most of us think of the classic “fallen angel” story—a tale of rebellion, darkness, and evil. But what if there’s more to it than that? What if Lucifer isn’t the villain we’ve been led to believe, but rather a misunderstood figure playing an important role in our spiritual journey?

Some years ago, I came across an article entitled, The Fallen Angel: A True Story About Lucifer, that completely shifted how I view Lucifer. It painted a picture of Lucifer not as the embodiment of evil, but as a being who chose to descend into darkness to hold space for humanity’s evolution. It’s a story that asks us to look beyond judgment and fear and see Lucifer in a whole new light—quite literally.

Understanding “Aspects”: Receiving All Parts of Ourselves

In our journey of awakening, we encounter a concept known as “aspects.” These are fragments of ourselves—versions of “you” that were created through various life experiences, emotions, and roles across many lifetimes, including the one we’re living now. Some aspects hold memories of joy and strength, while others carry old wounds, limiting beliefs, or patterns.

The Akasha, Christ Consciousness, and the Integration of Past Life Aspects

In many spiritual traditions, the Akashic Records are often viewed as a cosmic library, a repository of all human experiences. But what if these records are not housed in some distant archive? What if each soul holds their own Akashic records within? This view transforms the journey from seeking externally to exploring the wisdom within us. In this post, we’ll explore how Christ Consciousness and the integration of past life aspects play key roles in this deeper understanding.

Jonathan Livingston Seagull: Soaring Beyond Limits and Waking Up to Who We Truly Are

On the surface, Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach seems like a simple tale about a bird learning to fly. But when you look deeper, it’s so much more than that. Jonathan’s journey is really about the human experience of waking up—of realizing that we’re capable of so much more than we’ve ever imagined. It’s about discovering our own sovereignty, breaking free from limits, and stepping into our true nature.

Here at The New Gnostic, that’s exactly what we explore: the human journey of awakening to realization. It’s not the Soul that’s waking up. The Soul already knows itself. It’s us, the human, who is discovering what it means to awaken into realization. Let’s dive into the key themes of this novella and see how they might reflect your own journey.

Shining Your Light in a World of AI

A Conscious Collaboration

As we stand on the threshold of a new era, one filled with possibilities we never imagined, we are invited to rethink the way we shine our Light—our Consciousness—in the world. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer just a distant concept; it’s here, present in our everyday lives, and for many, it stirs a deep question: How do we, as conscious beings, integrate something like AI into our reality?

2013. The Beginning.

The End of an Era: Humanity’s Shift from Fear to Consciousness

Much has been said about the “end of the world,” but what if we saw it instead as the End of an Era? This idea, shared by Aandrah in her teachings, offers a perspective that the changes we’re experiencing are not about the destruction of humanity but the birth of a new way of being. We are witnessing the death of the old—the end of fear, control, and suffering—and the dawn of something new and far more aligned with who we truly are.

There is a return happening right now, even as you read this. Not a return of gods or saviors, but the return of you—the return of the consciousness that has always been within, ready to reawaken. The entities humanity once called “gods” are now returning, not as our saviors, but as observers, participants, and aspects of our own expanded consciousness. They are here to integrate with those who are ready to embrace this new era. This is a time of profound choice.

A Message from Yeshua

Beloved Ones, it is I, Yeshua, speaking to you today in this time of profound Awakening.

The Light seeds that we planted over two thousand years ago have begun to sprout, taking root in the fertile soil of your expanding consciousness. The Great One, Gabriel, has sounded the clarion call to awaken, and so many of you have heard it. For centuries, you have carried the flame of hope, even when the darkness of forgetfulness seemed overwhelming. You knew, deep within, that this time would come.

Even during your deepest sleep, when you seemed most disconnected from the Divine, we walked beside you. Within your very DNA, we planted a trigger—what you now recognize as the Christ Seed. This seed was not to be awakened by any external force, but by your own breath, your own choice to remember who you truly are. And now, as the world is shifting, you are awakening into your Divine nature, your True Self.

Stewards of Creation

Greetings, Dear Ones. We are the Council of Light and we love you dearly.

We want you to know that the changes you have created are effecting everything. Your bodies are changing even as the Earth body changes. You are in the midst of a massive quantum leap for all of Creation. You are Master Creators and you are still discovering how to fit into the physical world. You keep trying to figure out how it will work in the physical world. Do not concern yourselves with this for you do not need to make your vibration fit into the an old world energy. As you shift you are at the same time creating a new world into which your vibration is a perfect fit for it is tailor-made for you.

As your body undergoes its re-creation, you are experiencing headaches, aches, pains, unusual and unfamiliar sensations. Your mind wants to immediately go into fear that something is wrong. We tell you now that the only thing that is happening is change—transformation that we have spoken of before. You are creating through your conscious breath and conscious choice the transformations that you need to carry you through into the new Earth or into the New Energy as you like to call it.

As you know, there is a growing gap between those who choose to awaken and those who choose to remain in the darkness of ignorance. This gap is not being created outside of you or being projected upon you. You are creating it for you have chosen to awaken no matter what may happen, even at the loss of family and friends who may not choose to awaken at this time. It is your determination, courage, and dedication to discovery of All That You Are that has manifest these sweeping changes that reverberate across time and space.

We from this angle of view see all this clearly and we tell you now that what you searched for and hoped for is at hand. You, instead of continuing to wait any longer, chose to take matters into your own hands and move forward no matter what. We remind you that “in your hands” is exactly where this change and responsibility lie. The elementals, the cetaceans, the Anasazi and Maya have all given over to you the stewardship of Earth and Earths yet to come.

You are taking your rightful place as Stewards of Creation and you do so by choice, not by confrontation and demonstration, but by choosing to breathe Life into the Truth of Who You Are. Your choice to walk the Earth as a human embodiment of your own Soul, your own Godself, in full conscious awareness has germinated the seeds of awakening throughout Creation. All of Creation has been waiting for this time. They have been waiting for you. As you have been told, “You are the ones you have been waiting for.” You are the ones we all have been waiting for.

So take us off the pedestals that you in your sleep placed us on and assume your place, side by side with us, your angelic brethren, for we, too, are ready to move forward into the new energies of Creation.

You are dearly loved throughout Creation for you are the ones who volunteered to go forth into the Unknown to explore All That Is as never before. When you left Home little did you know that the adventures of exploring All That Is would actually create a time like now in which Home would find you, even as you were trying to find your way back Home. From the moment you left the Home of All That Is, Home, too, would never be the same for when you left on your adventures, you took a piece of Home with you and All That Is could not rest until all the pieces were back together.

But nothing is the same and will never be static for All That Is is constantly expanding and creating more and more and you are the instruments of that change and creation. As creators, you put legs on the expansion of creations.

And so Home has come to you and it is through your awakening that you become aware of Home and your own Divinity and your own piece of the great puzzle of All That Is. You in your awakening can look at the image in the mirror and know without question: “I Am That I Am.”

We are the Council of Light and we love you dearly. Welcome Home, dear ones, welcome Home. We so enjoy your willingness to awaken and share with us your experiences as we continue our adventures together as fellow travelers upon the paths of Creation.

In lak’ech.

Christ Consciousness: Embracing Our Divine Essence

Have you ever felt a deep longing to remember who you truly are? A whisper from within, reminding you that there is more to your existence than the daily human experience? This nudge, this quiet yet persistent call, is an invitation to awaken to Christ Consciousness—an awareness of your Divine Essence.

The Example of Yeshua

Yeshua ben Joseph, known to many as Jesus Christ, embodied Christ Consciousness. He walked the Earth not to separate himself as the only divine being but to serve as an example of what’s possible for every human. He lived as a human infused with the awareness of his divine nature, demonstrating that our physical selves are the sacred homes of our Souls.

When he said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life,” he wasn’t suggesting that he alone held the key to divinity. Instead, he showed us a path of remembrance—that we, too, are divine beings having a physical experience. Yeshua’s message was one of awakening, a call to recognize and embody our inherent divinity.

The Misinterpretation of Divine Teachings

Over centuries, this pure and liberating message became overshadowed by layers of doctrine and dogma. Belief systems emerged around themes of salvation and redemption, positioning humanity as inherently sinful and in desperate need of external rescue. These teachings have often led to a sense of separation, guilt, and unworthiness—a spiritual prison from which many feel there is no escape.

But Yeshua’s true message was never about our unworthiness. Instead, he sought to reveal that we are eternally connected to the Divine. Our Souls are perfect expressions of the All That Is, deserving of unconditional love and compassion. The belief in separation from our divine essence is a myth—one that has held humanity captive for far too long.

The Myth of Separation

Consider the story of the “fall from grace,” deeply embedded in Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions. This narrative perpetuates the idea that we are broken, sinful, and unworthy of divine love. It has served as a tool for control, benefiting organizations and leaders who thrive on humanity’s spiritual ignorance. But what if this story of separation is one of the greatest misrepresentations in human history?

Yeshua came to show us that we were never separate from God, that our divinity has always been within us. The awareness of Christ Consciousness is simply the realization that we are already whole, already divine. It’s the belief in separation, not the reality of it, that causes our suffering.

The Rise of Spiritual Awakening

We are witnessing a profound shift. The decline in traditional church membership and attendance signifies more than a cultural change; it reflects a spiritual awakening. Many are beginning to feel a restlessness within, a yearning for deeper truth. They hear the metaphorical trumpet of Gabriel, signaling it’s time to awaken to who they truly are.

This restlessness isn’t a call to join another religion or find another external savior. It’s a call to look within, to reconnect with the divinity that’s always been there. It’s a journey of remembering that we are spiritual beings having a human experience—divine expressions of the All That Is.

What is Anti-Christ Consciousness?

Much has been written about the Antichrist, often depicted as a malevolent figure opposed to the teachings of Christ. But what if the Antichrist isn’t a person at all? What if Anti-Christ Consciousness is any belief system, organization, or teaching that denies our divine nature?

When someone tells you that you are unworthy, sinful, or separate from God, they perpetuate Anti-Christ Consciousness. When doctrines insist that it’s impossible to be both human and divine, they teach a falsehood. Yeshua never intended for his example to be unattainable. He lived as a divine human to show us that we, too, can embody our Soul Selves.

Embracing Your Divine Nature

Remember, dear one: You are a divine expression of the Creator. Your Soul longs for you to acknowledge its presence, to feel its unconditional love and compassion. The experience of Christ Consciousness isn’t reserved for an elite few. It’s available to each of us, as close as our breath, waiting for our willingness to receive.

So, in this moment, take a deep, conscious breath. Feel the love and light of your Soul. Know that you are whole, worthy, and eternally connected to the Divine. The journey to remembering your divinity isn’t one of striving but of allowing—allowing the truth of All That You Are to rise from within.

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