My Journey: From Seeking to Knowing

Growing up in a fundamentalist Christian environment, by the time I was eleven, I began to sense something was missing. Beneath Yeshua ben Joseph’s (Jesus’s) teachings, I felt a truth, something that kept calling to me. Traditional religious answers didn’t satisfy me, so I began my search elsewhere. I explored spiritual paths like The Dreamspell, Transcendental Meditation™, Sahaja Yoga, Ishaya Yoga, and A Course in Miracles™. I dove into the Nag Hammadi Library, the Gnostic gospels, and books like Richard Bach’s, Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions, as well as Kahlil Gibran’s, The Prophet. And, yes, I took a deep dive into the late Zecharia Sitchin’s, The Earth Chronicles.

I was always seeking that “something more.”

My journey eventually took me to ancient Anasazi sites of the Southwest United States, and something in those lands resonated deeply within me. Standing among those ancient ruins, I felt as though the wisdom of the Earth was stirring something in my soul, awakening memories or knowing that I had forgotten. It wasn’t just a sense of being in a sacred place—it was as if the land itself was calling me back to a forgotten part of myself. I felt completely at home there, as though I had walked those lands before, in another time. But that’s a story for another day.

This yearning for the ‘more’—a sense that there was always something beyond what I could see or grasp—kept pushing me forward. There’s always more, a deeper truth waiting to be discovered, and I needed to understand it, to integrate it, to live it. It wasn’t just about finding answers; it was about experiencing the fullness of life and Self.

In 1995, I came across the Kryon materials, and soon after, I discovered the Crimson Circle. It was here that I first heard the word Shaumbra. This group was different. They didn’t focus on seeking something outside themselves but on realizing that everything we’re looking for is within. The teachings of Tobias and Adamus® Saint Germain guided me inward, toward Gnosis—that direct Knowing of the Self.

Through the Crimson Circle, I also met Drs. Norma Delaney and Garret Annofsky, who introduced me to a New Breath—my Conscious Breath—which changed everything.

Being part of Shaumbra felt like coming home. It was here I learned that I could stop seeking. The real revelation was that I am the one I’ve been searching for all along. It wasn’t about finding a distant truth or enlightenment but about realizing that I already am what I was seeking.

Breath by breath, I became more connected to my Soul Self, realizing that true knowing arises from within, from “gnost.” And finally, I could answer the question, “Who am I?”

This is the essence of The New Gnostic—a space for the direct experience of Gnosis, where we explore our own consciousness and energy, one breath at a time. It’s not about seeking answers outside ourselves, but about connecting deeply with who we truly are. Each breath brings us closer to our own knowing, our own truth. Here, we invite one another to explore the mysteries of life, not through dogma or rigid practices, but through the simple act of allowing. As we breathe, we allow our energy to flow, our awareness to expand, and our soul to speak.

At The New Gnostic, we share not only teachings but our personal stories, our moments of clarity, and even our challenges. This is a place for those who are walking their own unique path of awakening—what we call, as in the days of old, The Way. We recognize that each of us is the Master of our own journey, yet we walk together, supporting and inspiring one another as we realize our Divinity. Here, we embrace the unfolding of life as it is, knowing that every experience, every breath, brings us to the Realization of

I Am That I Am.”

You can’t get it wrong because there’s nothing to get wrong.

— Tobias of the Crimson Circle

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