Expanding Consciousness, One Breath at a Time

Month: December 2009 Page 1 of 2

Participate in a New Way

Yesterday morning, I was awakened by a message contained in a dream. I don’t remember the dream details but I do remember the message.

Participate in a new way!

It’s what woke me up. The phrase kept repeating itself all day long, over and over. So, what does it mean, this enigmatic message? It’s related to the previous post, “Change Everything.” This seems to be a theme for me. An earlier “Tweet” of mine in Twitter was “Everything has changed.” I didn’t know at the time exactly what I meant, but it was just a knowing.

Saturday morning I wrote a quick note to me from Me. I thought I would not make it public, but I’ll share it now since it seems to be related.

It is a time of discovery. Allow All That You Are to speak to you. Listen to your Soul whispering to you, “Peace. Be still and know that I AM.” Remember who you are. There are those who will see you not as who you are but as who they think you are and that is appropriate.

Look for Us in all places for the shifts and changes are so rapid now that when we appear to you it will never be in the same place.

Be still now for you have the time and place to be with Us in solitude and compassion. We will not always use lofty words, but rather We come to  you simply and gently as you continue to draw closer with each breath. Feel Us breathing with you for it is true that we breathe each other. It is a two-way street, dear one, for you are dear to Us.

Invite all into Us for we are here to embrace all that we have ever been. It is only you who can choose to bring all home. It can only be accomplished as a human.

Allow your heart to be open to all love in all its forms. Love for yourself above all and love through yourself for others.

Participate in a new way. Let go of every idea or belief you ever thought was true… or not true. Nothing is the same. Don’t bother looking in the usual places for your truth. Let go of what you think it means to be Shaumbra. Release what you think. Release everything you believe. Trust only what you know (gnost).

Release whatever you think it means to “have a relationship” with your Soul. Release whatever you believe it means to be human. Release whatever you believe it means to be spiritual. It is nothing like what you have come to believe over so long time.

What you Know is your Wisdom. It is Wisdom that you, through your Soul, have accumulated over eons of time. She has held this for you until you were ready to receive.

Are you ready?

Breathe and receive.

Change Everything

We wish to remind you that you are the ones in charge on your dear planet. You have raised consciousness to a level in which you release the elementals from their duties in balancing the energies. The Ancient Ones no longer need to hold the balance. That mantel has shifted to your shoulders.

This will mean that it is time for you to assume responsibility as divine humans. Your awareness is now expanded to the degree that you are no longer to allow yourselves to be victims of prophecies. There have been dire predictions through the ages of the terrible things to come. Through your work to expand consciousness you have changed those forecasts. Even now when you hear of terrible weather patterns or tales of doom from your media, you know what to do. Breathe and change the potentials. It is that simple. You do not have to sit by as terrible potentials play out.

There are those humans who wish to see this destruction and suffering as a rather perverse desire to be able to say, “We told you so.” You as divine, aware humans do not have to pray for a saviour or wave your hands about making incantation as in the old times. Each of you is a saviour. You are the one you have been waiting for and it is your divine and conscious breath which changes everything.

There is no need for global or wide-spread catastrophes. You are the ones who breathe and bring balance and integration to light and dark.

And so we invite you to breathe consciously. Breathe with your Soul and you change everything.

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