And so it is, I, Kuntar, come forth to share our words and energy with you on this new day of awakening.

You find yourself, once again, drawn to the lands of your ancestors—the southwestern United States. While it may seem strange to return so often, it is not strange at all. You and I have walked these lands together before, sharing stories, exploring canyons and trails, and speaking of adventures past and future. We spoke of a time when, in the distant future, we would once again walk the path of life together. What we did not foresee was that you would become human once more while I remained on this side, to work with you and share our energies in this way.

In those days, we spoke of a time when all of humanity, the two-leggeds, would face a great departure from the old ways. We spoke with love and compassion of the awakening that would come to all, not just the few as it had for so long.

I remember our last walk upon the lands now known as Mesa Verde—the green table. We knew then that our work was complete, that it was time to go. As we looked into each other’s eyes, into each other’s souls, we made a promise: that in another time, another day, we would meet again, hearts open, remembering. That is why you’ve returned to these lands, time after time, unknowingly drawn by the yearning to recall those happy days, and now, to create new memories in this era of the Great Awakening—the return of White Buffalo Calf Woman—the Feminine energy and wisdom that belongs to all humans.

And so it is, dear one, that we know you as Adahm, the one who listens to the Wind. Even in your times of sleepwalking through life, you listened for Spirit upon the wind. We remember your first visit, in this lifetime, to Mesa Verde. As you stood on the precipice, gazing over the canyon, we came upon the Wind, brushing past you. We heard you exclaim, “Oh my God! They’re still here!” Indeed, we were. Though it took more time for you to fully awaken to the one you’ve called ‘The Chief,’ it is with great joy and love that we now unite once more in our shared work—you on that side, I, Kuntar, on this side. Together, we continue as ‘bringers of the dawn,’ planting seeds of light on Earth. Star Seeds, we are—awakening, reaping the expanding consciousness that is now blooming on our beautiful planet.

It is with great joy that we celebrate your remembering. The timing, old friend, is perfect, as it always is.

Now, regarding your writing about breathing Earth and Sky, may we, with your permission, expand on this important awareness? [Yes, of course.]

As you have written, many languages use the same word for air, wind, breath, and Spirit: Woniye wakan (Lakota), Ruahk (Hebrew), Ik (Mayan), Pneuma (Greek), Ha (Hawaiian), Spiritus (Latin), and more. Isn’t it interesting that in English, the closest term is ‘Holy Spirit’? Even that, however, is now separated from air, wind, and breath, reflecting the duality ingrained in the belief that humanity is separate from Spirit.

For lifetimes, cultures have created these words to remind themselves to breathe their own Spirit-Soul. Through countless lives and many languages, humanity has kept this sacred reminder until, in the last two millennia, it began to fade. But Conscious Breath unites human and Spirit, just as the Wind unites Earth and Sky. This morning, on your walk in Santa Fe, you remembered this Truth, feeling the wind and listening once more. The Wind, the Great Uniter, carries the Breath of Life to all beings and all Creation. Even your scientists speak of ‘solar winds’—another way Spirit assists in the awakening of all.

We remind you, and all Humans, to breathe Life. Through this sacred wind, you awaken to your true selves, for you are all Sacred Spirits. The Wind will gently stir you, urging you to see yourselves as you truly are.

May the Wind remind you of your Spirit, uniting you, the Human, with You, the Spirit. May it connect you to the Wisdom of White Buffalo Calf Woman, who brings the joy of Life to all, beyond race, creed, or belief. She returns now to unite Masculine and Feminine, to bring an end to duality. Many will continue to play the game of duality for a time, and another Earth is prepared for them until they, too, are ready to join in Unity and Awareness.

And so it is, that the winds of Spirit continue to move through your lives. In these times of great change and awakening, trust in the breath that unites you with the depth of your own Spirit. For it is through this conscious breath that you remember who you truly are, beyond the veils of illusion. Trust that every step on your path, every breath you take, is guiding you closer to the knowing of your true Self. You are not alone; the winds of Spirit, of Kuntar, and of your ancestors walk with you. They have always been there, waiting for the moment when you would hear the call of your own Spirit once more.

We are honored and full of joy that you allow us to speak through you to all who may encounter these energy-filled words. Many are seeking a new path, a new breath, a new wind upon which to soar into the Sun of their own Spirit.

We bring you our deepest Love and Compassion, for we know the long and steep road of human life experience. It is with great joy that we walk alongside you now, in this grandest of adventures. Once more, we are with you, our old friends.

With the highest honor, we say, ‘Until we meet again,’ for we never say, ‘Goodbye.’

I AM Kuntar, ‘The Chief’ of Anasazi.