Expanding Consciousness, One Breath at a Time

Month: September 2009

Wisdom Magic

I Am here at this glorious time to share with all humans the Abundant Life. I Am here to walk with you by your side during this Age of Transition.

It is time to bring home the Wisdom of the ages. There is no reason now to limit Who You Are. The Ages of Atlantis contain great wisdom. Allow the darkness of Atlan to join with all that was light of Atlan and bring them home. There is wisdom contained within what you call light and dark from all times.

Bring home the wisdom that is now safe to use. This wisdom is your magic. The native peoples referred to this magic as medicine and so it is time to heal this medicine. Breathe and allow Raven Medicine to heal. Breathe and allow Eagle Medicine to heal. Owl, Hummingbird, Hawk and, yes, even Turtle, all await you. Each of you carries a piece of the great puzzles of life. You breathe the Breath of Life into each of your totems and that, dear ones, is the healing.

The medicine of these great Spirits has been dormant waiting for you to breath life back into them. They each contain Wisdom for you and for Earth in these times but it is for you to unlock the magic. You do not “own” the totem but you can unlock the energy that you sealed up so long ago, much in the way you sealed your seven centers until such time that you would once again take up your sword of Truth.

In the New Consciousness you will need the full armor of this wisdom magic. This wisdom magic cannot be abused this time, nor will you be abused for your mastery of it. This time you will help others see that they, too, possess the capability of knowing such wisdom and that you will share with them this knowing.

Dear ones, it is time to be bold, to say “Yes!” to All That You Are. Ascended Masters are here to assist you to awaken fully to YOU as your brothers and sisters. Many of them will be coming in to help on your side of the veil. But it is you who are already here in human form. They do not come to show you the way. That is what you are doing: showing them the way. Yes, we can assist but it is you who are the way showers for you “boldly go where no one has gone before.”

And so we invite you to get to know us. Let us be of service to you for we have waited for this moment. Talk to us. Share your journey with us. Express what you feel with us just as you do with your Soul Self.

I Am Tatanka

Walking into Wakan Tanka, the Great Mystery

And it is so that we stand with you as you step fully into the Great Mystery of Your Selves and into the new time. We bring the Abundance of Life for you have asked. Great Eagle and Tatanka, along with all your totem animals, are your messengers, your servants as you heal and open the seven centers.

We celebrate with you the return of White Buffalo Calf Woman, Pte san Wi, who brought us the Sacred Pipe of Healing and Truth. It is the return of the feminine and the joining of the feminine and masculine within the hearts of all humans, just as she promised would be so. Whether you speak of Isis, Sophia, or Pte san Wi, it is the Goddess that returns to join with Adam mending the past with their love of one another.

There is so much that we have waited to share with you. It is not that we have such wisdom to share, but it is your wisdom that we love to reflect back to you. It is you whom we have awaited so that we can walk with you as in the days of old. But in this New Earth Time, we walk as old friends and colleagues, side by side, shoulder to shoulder into Wakan Tanka, the Great Mystery. We wish to be with you and to serve you for it is you that carries the seeds of expansion.

We greet you now as brothers and sisters blind to the color of skin for when a human walks into Wakan Tanka there is no separation, only unity. We stand with you ready to assist you in your opening into the Great Mystery of You. It is time. Allow us and all your totems to assist you. Call on us, talk to us for we yearn to hear your voice and the Breath of your Spirit upon us.

We celebrate you and with you as you continue your sacred path into Wakan Tanka, the Great Mystery, All That You Are.

We are You.
You are We.

Wabli Tanka and Tatanka

If you want to more about the story of White Buffalo Calf woman, click this link:

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